Its always hard to think about taking the risk to do something different! I always see the same things being done and the public expecting this from all of us. Most of us fall into this by saying "well it works", "if its not broke don't fix it", etc....but is it really working?
Do you remember when "New Coke" was released? Do you remember what a fiasco that was??? Yes I realize this does not support my claim that change is a good thing! But look at the risk that Coke took in this marketing idea...They needed to do something to compete with Pepsi, and they went to the extreme and changed the entire formula.
It only lasted a few months on the shelf when they pulled it and went to Classic Coke. The outrage and tons of articles, news spots, and media everywhere put the original product back on the map. My theory, and yes its just my theory never proven, is that this was a great marketing strategy....Look at all the free press Coke recieved after doing this short lived change in the product. I remember everyone talking about this and the product, this change took the spotlight off everything else in their market and everyone was focused on Coke-Cola!
Do Something to Get them Talking!
Setting yourself apart and using unusual ways to do this to change the public's perception of how things should and can be done may seem scary because we are afraid we may loose some along the way. I would ask how can you loose something you never had!
Think outside the box....see what others in your area are doing and do something different!
To be heard above the noise of this very crowded marketplace you must not make your company all things to all people. Your challenge is to understand where the market opportunity exists for you and go after that slice. It’s a tall order that will require an understanding of the choices out there.
Take a chance in your marketing consistent with it, track it and keep thinking outside the box, it may be uncomfortable at first but in the end change is always good!!
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