Remember the age old saying; “It’s who you know, not what you know”?  Well in the Remodeling world and generating referrals, I think we would all agree it’s a little of both.  It’s definitely “what you know” that will get “who you know” sending more business your way! 

Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

Business Management tagged interest

Referrals – We know we all need more of them but no one feels comfortable directly asking for them. 

So “How?” do you ask, so we can generate more referrals?

Be Creative!
A realtor friend of mine was recently telling me how she had attended a seminar on doubling your business strictly through referrals.  Intrigued, I asked, “How”?  She explained that one way was to start doing a “pop by” to past clients.  She would “pop by” the home of some past clients with a small gift of sorts and check in to see how they are doing.  Her first one was at Easter time and so she coordinated the gift with the holiday.   
The gift was an Easter egg coloring kit and marshmallow peeps, she also included business cards and had a tag on the gift that said 
 “Have your Peeps call my Peeps, We Love Referrals”. 
I thought that was pretty clever!  People love getting free stuff, no matter what it is and she actually showed her face at their doorstep, genuinely concerned on how they were doing in their new home and if she could be of any help.  By doing this, she has reminded her previous clients that she is available for any home buying or selling assistance and it hopefully would spark them to say “Hey, my friend John is thinking of buying/selling, maybe you could help him”.  Recently a Design/Build company has adopted giving homeowners a cutting board with their logo on it once they’ve completed a kitchen remodel, a simple thank you gift that will remind them of your services each time they use it!
Be Informative!
Another way that my realtor friend is generating referrals is by direct mailings.  Each mailing has a theme, the latest one included an informational flyer with essential tips for sellers and home buyers and a piece she put together herself on 10 Reasons You Might Want to Consider Hiring a Realtor.  She always includes a letter that she types up and throws in a business card.  All of the remodelers we work with have started sending newsletters to past clients which is also a great way to reach out and be informative while also quietly saying “Hey! I’m still here if you or your friends need any work done!”
Think Outside the Box!
There was a time I would suggest that  once you’ve completed a project and the client is totally in love with what you’ve done, suggest hosting an “open house”.   This way, your client can show off their newly remodeled kitchen/bath/etc. to family andamp; friends, which is essentially showing off your great work and will get guests thinking “Hey, maybe it’s time we remodel our…”  And then you’ll be on-hand to discuss the recently completed project and hopefully get some referrals without doing anything besides being social and purchasing hors d’oeurves and drinks!
With the times the way there are right now, a in person "open House" may not be the best idea!  (hopefully soon we can start to interact more face to face...but until then....) One other creative way to have a "open house" is to suggest a virtual open house!  Ask the homeowner how they would feel about showing off the new remodel by virtually inviting friends and family to tune in at a certain time and date to see what has been done!  Make it so questions and comments can still be done!  There are many applications that will allow everyone invited to be on the call in real time so that it still is a interactive experience!  Have fun with it, make it interactive, send a small package to each person invited prior to the call to make them feel included and have your information as well.  The possibilities are endless and the more fun you have with it the more response and engaggement you will have!  
In these times we have to take the time to think out side the box and interactas much as we can!  Hopefully you can incorporate one or more of these methods to boost your referrals and bring your business to the next level!  Take a look at to see all the ways we have tried to help small business interact with clients and with staff in a affordable and we like to think fun way!  
#BusinessManagement #BusinessRecovery #ContactManagement #ConstructionProjectManagement #CustomerRelationshipManagement #digitalMarketing #Ecommerce #SmallBusiness #ManagementSoftware

Referrals – We know we all need more of them but no one feels comfortable directly asking for them. 

So “How?” do you ask, so we can generate more referrals?

Be Creative!
A realtor friend of mine was recently telling me how she had attended a seminar on doubling your business strictly through referrals.  Intrigued, I asked, “How”?  She explained that one way was to start doing a “pop by” to past clients.  She would “pop by” the home of some past clients with a small gift of sorts and check in to see how they are doing.  Her first one was at Easter time and so she coordinated the gift with the holiday.   
The gift was an Easter egg coloring kit and marshmallow peeps, she also included business cards and had a tag on the gift that said 
 “Have your Peeps call my Peeps, We Love Referrals”. 
I thought that was pretty clever!  People love getting free stuff, no matter what it is and she actually showed her face at their doorstep, genuinely concerned on how they were doing in their new home and if she could be of any help.  By doing this, she has reminded her previous clients that she is available for any home buying or selling assistance and it hopefully would spark them to say “Hey, my friend John is thinking of buying/selling, maybe you could help him”.  Recently a Design/Build company has adopted giving homeowners a cutting board with their logo on it once they’ve completed a kitchen remodel, a simple thank you gift that will remind them of your services each time they use it!
Be Informative!
Another way that my realtor friend is generating referrals is by direct mailings.  Each mailing has a theme, the latest one included an informational flyer with essential tips for sellers and home buyers and a piece she put together herself on 10 Reasons You Might Want to Consider Hiring a Realtor.  She always includes a letter that she types up and throws in a business card.  All of the remodelers we work with have started sending newsletters to past clients which is also a great way to reach out and be informative while also quietly saying “Hey! I’m still here if you or your friends need any work done!”
Think Outside the Box!
There was a time I would suggest that  once you’ve completed a project and the client is totally in love with what you’ve done, suggest hosting an “open house”.   This way, your client can show off their newly remodeled kitchen/bath/etc. to family andamp; friends, which is essentially showing off your great work and will get guests thinking “Hey, maybe it’s time we remodel our…”  And then you’ll be on-hand to discuss the recently completed project and hopefully get some referrals without doing anything besides being social and purchasing hors d’oeurves and drinks!
With the times the way there are right now, a in person "open House" may not be the best idea!  (hopefully soon we can start to interact more face to face...but until then....) One other creative way to have a "open house" is to suggest a virtual open house!  Ask the homeowner how they would feel about showing off the new remodel by virtually inviting friends and family to tune in at a certain time and date to see what has been done!  Make it so questions and comments can still be done!  There are many applications that will allow everyone invited to be on the call in real time so that it still is a interactive experience!  Have fun with it, make it interactive, send a small package to each person invited prior to the call to make them feel included and have your information as well.  The possibilities are endless and the more fun you have with it the more response and engaggement you will have!  
In these times we have to take the time to think out side the box and interactas much as we can!  Hopefully you can incorporate one or more of these methods to boost your referrals and bring your business to the next level!  Take a look at to see all the ways we have tried to help small business interact with clients and with staff in a affordable and we like to think fun way!  
#BusinessManagement #BusinessRecovery #ContactManagement #ConstructionProjectManagement #CustomerRelationshipManagement #digitalMarketing #Ecommerce #SmallBusiness #ManagementSoftware


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